Tuesday, July 3, 2012

In the Next Life: Would You Be a Duck?

I don't think of reincarnation as a possibility in the after-life. Simply can't fathom it. But...if it were possible to occur...and you could divine a way to secure your next being...assuming I wasn't eligible to become human again for past transgressions and shortcomings...and should it require that I earn my way back....

Can I choose to be a duck?

My rationale: Ducks have command of land, sky, and water. There I am as a duck, I have my cool suit (if I'm a Mallard) and I can strut the ground as long as I want. If it gets dull, I'll take flight. While flying 'round, should I spot a nice pond, it's an easy swoop... for an amphibious landing... and live the life aquatic.

But wait, there's more! When I'm tired, I sleep securely. How so? I can turn my head 180 degrees back. That's right...I can see you coming...don't mess with me...I'm sleeping.

What's the downside? Well, I have to avoid being hunted. There's those phony duck calls and an Elmer Fudd or two hiding in the scrub who want me as a trophy or possibly dinner. But even then, I'm not a cheap plate of food. That's right...I am a delicacy.

Have I convinced you? No matter. It's just a daffy post.