Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Can we be Real Liberals Again?

...Before Franklin Roosevelt, “liberal” described policies emphasizing liberty and individual rights. He, however, pioneered the politics of collective rights — of group entitlements. And his liberalism systematically developed policies not just to buy the allegiance of existing groups but to create groups that henceforth would be dependent on government.
Under FDR, liberalism became the politics of creating an electoral majority from a mosaic of client groups. Labor unions got special legal standing, farmers got crop supports, business people got tariff protection and other subsidies, the elderly got pensions, and so on and on.
Government no longer existed to protect natural rights but to confer special rights on favored cohorts. As Irving Kristol said, the New Deal preached not equal rights for all but equal privileges for all — for all, that is, who banded together to become wards of the government. [Excerpt: Voters, are you bluffing?, George Will, 30-Aug.-2012]

And so here we are, circa 2017, a divided country of those who want their rights as bestowed by Government and those who want to be real liberals with their rights bestowed of a higher purpose and being.